Q&A with Ashlen K. Wilder

Ever wonder what life would be like on the road? Maybe some of you are dreaming about transitioning to a different lifestyle, perhaps trading-in your vegan homestead for an adventure crossing state lines in your van.
Whether you are in an RV, tiny home, dorm room, or sharing limited kitchen space, or simply looking for a more practical eco-friendly cookbook, Ashlen Wilder’s book Vegan in a Van is your guide.
Ashlen has made veganism easy on four wheels, making your plant-based journey more efficient than ever. It's time to prepare for your next move. Before you jump in your vehicle, gather your essentials and grab this book to keep it simple.
We were lucky enough to catch up with author Ashlen, and here’s what she had to say.
Thanks so much for talking with us. We understand this is your first published vegan cookbook. Can you tell us how this evolved? Why was it important for you to make this book?
I have wanted to be an author since I was a child, and I set this goal for myself that I wanted to be a published author by age 25. I moved into a van when I was 22/23 and since I am passionate about health, wellness, veganism, and cooking, I didn’t want to sacrifice any of this while living in the van. I continued to make amazing, simple, and nutrient dense recipes even though my kitchen space was extremely minimal. I realized that these recipes would be extremely valuable for someone who has a small kitchen, lived in a van, lived in a dorm, camped or traveled a lot, or want an easy way to get into whole foods, plant-based veganism.
We understand that you are also a yoga teacher, can you talk to us about the link between yoga and veganism?
In yoga, the concept “ahimsa” means to avoid all violence and not inflict pain upon any living being. This includes animals for me. I feel like I couldn’t have a yoga practice the way I do, and not be vegan. These are lifestyles and concepts that go hand in hand for me.
We have read that you are a writer for The Spoon and the company Health Union. Has writing always been a natural fit for you? What has influenced your writing?
Yes! Reading and writing were always my favorite parts of school. I love being able to use my own voice to communicate ideas, news, and information. I started writing for my school newspaper in 7th grade, and became hooked then. I’ve always loved photojournalism and documentaries and these are always a source of inspiration for me.
In all your travels, what region was most influential to your taste buds?
Such a tricky question! I think what I appreciated about each new region I went to was that I was able to try fruit and vegetables that were local and in season to the area. Also, it was neat going to Canada and trying new vegan products I hadn’t seen before.
Covid-19 has changed a lot of people's lives, what kind of year was 2020 like for you? Did it change your traveling trajectory?
My van trip started in January 2019, and ended at the very end of that year. So the trip was actually perfect timing and we didn’t even realize it at the time! I spent a lot of time focusing on my goals during 2020, and deciding what projects I wanted to focus on and what direction I wanted my career to go in. Since I had so much time spent at home, I really sat down and cranked out “Vegan in a Van” in a few months.
If you could pick a travel buddy for a year who would cook for you, who would it be?
I would pick my boyfriend again! He is vegan, and knows how to cook for my taste buds. And honestly, I don’t think there is any other person on this planet that I could spend so much time with in such a small space.
Can you tell us more about your vintage clothing business?
I also started this while I lived in the van! I really need to find some type of remote work while living on the road, and this was one of my first solutions. I am very passionate about sustainable clothing, and I wanted to show people that I could find beautiful vintage pieces all over the country that would be cooler than brand new clothing, be higher quality than fast fashion, and it was more affordable most of the time. My business is called Vandweller Vintage, and I have vintage clothing and accessories from the 1960s-1990s.
We have read that outdoor climbing is a fun hobby of yours. What’s on your “bucket list” of climbing destinations?
I really want to go to some bouldering spots in the South of the US, like Rumbling Bald in North Carolina or Horse Pens 40 in Alabama. I have never been to Europe, and it is definitely a dream of mine to do some climbing in France, Portugal, and Spain.
Why is veganism important? Who has supported you on this path?
Veganism was such a game changer for me in so many different aspects of my life. It made me become aware of what food I was putting in my body, and even further, everything that I was putting in my body. I had no idea that food affects everything from mood to physical health until I went vegan. It made me a more mindful and compassionate person. The very first vegan cookbook I was given was Alicia Silverstone’s “The Kind Diet”.
Do you plan on releasing another cookbook? What are you currently working on? Where's the best place for people to reach you, and how can they purchase your book?
I have some ideas for future cookbooks and other books, but I am still in the process of marketing my first book! Right now I am working on distributing my book to independent book stores and retailers. I can be reached at ashlenwilder@gmail.com or on my instagram @ashlenkate. My book can be purchased on my Etsy (Vandweller Vintage), Amazon, Powell’s Books, and a few other websites and brick-and-mortar stores in California and Colorado.
Thank you so much Ashlen!

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